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Immport bioinformatics

ImmPort (a Data-Sharing Platform funded by the National Institutes of Health)


About ImmPort is a centralized immunology data repository with templates, user manuals and tools for researchers to manage data submission and data sharing of DAIT-funded and other immunology research projects. The website of ImmPort provides User-friendly web interfaces and tools for query, download, integration and analyses of shared data. ImmPort also implements data and metadata standards and data QC procedures to facilitate data integration and secondary analyses.
How we share on the Vivli Platform ImmPort studies are listed on Vivli platform are for searching only. To download ImmPort studies listed on Vivli, users need to go to ImmPort website to become registered users. Registered ImmPort users will then need to fill out a Vivli data request form in order to request that the ImmPort studies are uploaded into a Vivli research environment for analysis.
Clinical Study Register or Website http://immport.org