Lead Investigator: Diego Tosi, Institut du Cancer de Montpellier (ICM)
Title of Proposal Research: Analysis of breast cancer molecular adaptation to drugs in order to predict relapse after curative treatment
Vivli Data Request: 6534
Funding Source: ICM provides funding for employment contract for a biostatistics engineer
Potential Conflicts of Interest: None
Summary of the Proposed Research:
In 2020, an estimated 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., and about 42,170 women in the U.S. are expected to die in 2020 from breast cancer. Most of these cancers are localized to breast and lymph nodes close to the breast, and are potentially curable. Actually, patients with a localized breast cancer patients are treated by surgery, and either chemotherapy, hormonotherapy or radiotherapy (or a combination of them) are administered before or after surgery, according to the risk of relapse and to the biological characteristics of tumor. Unfortunately, the risk of the appearance of metastasis remains significant.
We would like to provide an effective way to identify patients with breast cancer at high risk of relapse after curative treatment. To this aim, we will analyze how tumors adapt their machinery to the perturbation introduced by drugs, and we will provide a tool to determine the risk of relapse of individual patients. This could help to select patients who would benefit of further treatment in order to improve the probability of definitive healing.
Requested Studies:
neoMONARCH: A Phase 2 Neoadjuvant Trial Comparing the Biological Effects of 2 Weeks of Abemaciclib (LY2835219) in Combination With Anastrozole to Those of Abemaciclib Monotherapy and Anastrozole Monotherapy and Evaluating the Clinical Activity and Safety of a Subsequent 14 Weeks of Therapy With Abemaciclib in Combination With Anastrozole in Postmenopausal Women With Hormone Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer
Sponsor: Eli Lilly and Company
Study ID: NCT02441946
Sponsor ID: 15805
Update: This data request was withdrawn on 27-Sep-2021 by the researcher.