Case Studies

Making an impact in oncology treatment using individual patient data
April 16, 2024 | Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer | Ashley Hopkins
Dr. Hopkins' research assesses whether the efficacy of atezolizumab in patients with advanced NSCLC is affected by being taken in conjunction with other medications routinely prescribed during cancer treatment
Assessing clinical trial data on cardiac risk in Type 2 Diabetes treatment
February 2, 2024 | Type 2 Diabetes | João Sérgio Neves
Dr. João Sérgio Neves' analysis of clinical trial data may lead to improved cardiovascular outcomes for T2D patients
Clinical trial data sharing impacting patient care in Rheumatoid Arthritis
November 28, 2023 | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Ricardo Ferreira
Dr. Ricardo Ferreira has used analysis of data from clinical trials to develop a new target strategy to help RA patients achieve remission.
Reusing data from a complicated clinical trial to inform guidelines
November 28, 2023 | Epilepsy | Sarah Nevitt
Dr. Sarah Nevitt has used clinical trial data analysis to share insights which are guiding the approach to epilepsy treatment and decisions about medication.
Analyzing clinical trial data to inform development of machine learning tools for improved treatment decisions for atrial fibrillation
October 2, 2023 | Atrial Fibrillation | Yizhe Xu
Dr. Yizhe Xu's research assesses whether applying machine learning tools to estimate and evaluate heterogeneous treatment effects would produce a useful decision framework for people being treated for atrial fibrillation.
Accessing clinical trial data to investigate the potential for biomarkers to predict outcomes for people with pulmonary fibrosis
May 23, 2023 | Pulmonary Fibrosis | Fasihul Khan
Dr. Khan and a team of colleagues sought to collect individual patient data (IPD) from trial participants with pulmonary fibrosis to assess whether short-term changes in physiological biomarkers such as lung function and walking distance could accurately predict clinical outcomes.
Accessing clinical trial data to advance research and the possibilities for using machine learning as a tool in clinical support for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis
April 26, 2023 | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Elena Myasoedeva
Dr. Elena Myasoedeva's research is exploring the use of machine learning as a tool in clinical support for people with rheumatoid arthritis
Examining safety and efficacy of cognitive enhancers for Alzheimer’s Disease
October 18, 2021 | Alzheimer's Disease | Areti Angeliki Veroniki
An international team of researchers assesses individual patient data to examine the safety and efficacy of cognitive enhancers for Alzheimer's disease
Breast cancer and data sharing
September 13, 2021 | Breast Cancer | Ashley Hopkins
Dr. Ashley Hopkins’ research has assessed individual patient data from more than 50,000 participants in clinical trials for conditions ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to several types of cancer, including lung, urothelial, and breast cancers.
Re-examining scoring tools for Crohn’s Disease to improve prognosis and treatment
August 2, 2021 | Crohn's Disease | Neeraj Narula
Dr. Neeraj Narula has used data shared from clinical trials to develop a tool to improve diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease.