Detection and prediction of physical activity in type 1 diabetic subjects

Lead Investigator: Eleonora Manzoni, University of Padova
Title of Proposal Research: Detection and prediction of physical activity in type 1 diabetic subjects
Vivli Data Request: 8893
Funding Source: None
Potential Conflicts of Interest: None

Summary of the Proposed Research:

The challenge of managing glycemia during and after physical activities (PA) poses difficulties for individuals with type 1 diabetes, as the impact of the activity on blood sugar levels can vary greatly depending on various factors. Therefore, this proposed research aims to create a real-time PA detection module on the T1DEXI dataset, with the objective of enhancing glucose control.
The proposed research includes the model-based detection approach mainly leverages on sensor-measured glucose levels, infused insulin and carbohydrates ingested in meals, with the optional inclusion of other signals available from smartwatches. It is based on the monitoring of various statistical properties of the residuals, i.e., the difference between the glucose levels measured by the sensor and those predicted by a model. The goal is to provide a practical aid to rapidly detect PA in real-time, requiring in input the minimum amount of information possible.
Furthermore, the proposed research includes the development of model-free PA detection, based on supervised and/or unsupervised data-driven methodologies, leveraging on all the available data present in the dataset. The goal is to provide a detection module, possibly able to detect and classify the PA in real-time. Finally, the proposed research aims at the development of model-based techniques for hypo/hyper glycemia detection, following PA.

Requested Studies:

Type 1 Diabetes EXercise Initiative: The Effect of Exercise on Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Study
Data Contributor: Jaeb Center for Health Research Foundation, Inc.
Study ID: T1-DEXI
Sponsor ID: T1-DEXI

Type 1 Diabetes EXercise Initiative Pediatric Study (T1DexiP): The Effect of Exercise on Glycemic Control in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Data Contributor: Jaeb Center for Health Research Foundation, Inc.
Study ID: T1-DEXIP
Sponsor ID: T1-DEXIP

Update: This data request was withdrawn on 24-Oct-2024 by the researcher.