Effects of exercise on blood glucose levels, food intake and insulin use in adult T1D patients

Lead Investigator: Gijsbert Stoet, University of Essex
Title of Proposal Research: Effects of exercise on blood glucose levels, food intake and insulin use in adult T1D patients
Vivli Data Request: 8555
Funding Source: None
Potential Conflicts of Interest: None

Summary of the Proposed Research:

Due to much improved glucose measurement (as used in the T1DEXI dataset) we can understand in far more detail how exercise affects blood glucose. Using these data helps us to ultimately better advice patients how long the effect of exercise can last. Currently, our knowledge is rather limited. We know that exercise can have an effect for days, but how exactly and how does it depend on food consumed? How much should insulin be adjusted? The dataset contains the answers, it is simply a matter of taking the answers from this dataset.

Statistical Analysis Plan:

We will analyze the data with two different types of software.
Assuming the relatively large continuous glucose measurement are provided with multiple datapoints per hour, we will carry out preprocessing using a flexible scripting languages such as Python or Ruby.

We will carry out numerous steps in processing these data. Broadly speaking, the following steps will be followed:

1) We will focus on understanding the structure of the data sets and pre-process these such that we can extract specific events of interest.

2) We will determine participants’ exercise behavioral pattern. The main aim is to determine both the short and longer lasting effects of exercise on blood glucose. The fine grained analysis of the Dexcom data plays a crucial role in understanding the time course of various factors, such as exercise, food, and insulin.

3) Will will calculate for each participant for each day the average level of glucose (mmol/L) and glucose variability (using the frequently used formula for glucose variability of SD/mean * 100 ). These are key variables in our analysis.

Requested Studies:

Type 1 Diabetes EXercise Initiative: The Effect of Exercise on Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Study
Data Contributor: Jaeb Center for Health Research Foundation, Inc.
Study ID: T1-DEXI
Sponsor ID: T1-DEXI

Type 1 Diabetes EXercise Initiative Pediatric Study (T1DexiP): The Effect of Exercise on Glycemic Control in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Data Contributor: Jaeb Center for Health Research Foundation, Inc.
Study ID: T1-DEXIP
Sponsor ID: T1-DEXIP

Public Disclosures:

Stoet, G. and Holt, R.I., 2023. Characteristics of People with Optimally-Managed Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Epidemiology and Management, p.100153. doi: 10.1016/j.deman.2023.100153