Join Vivli for a webinar discussing the differences between Real-World Data (RWD) and Real-World Evidence (RWE), and clinical trials. Different types of study designs can help answer different questions and this webinar will explore when these different approaches are deployed. The panelists will provide an overview of the RWD and RWE landscape, the regulatory perspectives and a case study on how RWE and RWD have been used in regulatory submissions. Join us as we explore where RWD and RWE fit in and how we can optimize its role in answering various questions. The webinar will be held on February 20 at 12 pm ET.
Our key topics include:
• The Real-World Evidence and Real-World Data landscape
• What kinds of questions RWE and RWD can help answer
• FDA perspective on the value created by using RWE
• Case Study on using RWD and RWE in a regulatory submission
Ida Sim, Vivli and UCSF
Marcia Levenstein, Vivli
Jack Mardekian, Rutgers University
Gregory Pappas, Food & Drug Administration