Our Members


About The Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO) is a scientifically independent, multi-disciplinary coalition of the global infectious disease community. It takes many different types of emerging and neglected infections data and standardises these to enable researchers to pose new scientific questions, translating data into evidence that improves outcomes for patients worldwide.
How we share on the Vivli Platform The IDDO Data Platform hosts de-identified COVID-19 observational and clinical trial individual patient-level data and associated documentation. The metadata associated with these hosted datasets is searchable through the Vivli Platform. Once datasets of interest have been identified, approved users can receive data directly via the IDDO Data Platform. If researchers wish to upload IDDO data into the Vivli secure research environment to analyze with other data available only in Vivli, they may choose to do so.
When Studies are Available for Sharing Data will be made available following written approval by the independent Data Access Committee overseen by TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, hosted by WHO.
Additional Conditions for Access Approved researchers must agree to the IDDO Data Use Agreement in order to access the data.
What information will be provided Access to anonymized patient-level data will be provided to approved researchers listed in the Vivli application.
Questions or Enquiries Questions or enquiries about the IDDO data platform should be directed to info@iddo.org.
Review Criteria for Data Requests Specific criteria for applications to address include the following as requested by the independent Data Access Committee:

  • Applicants should demonstrate sufficient experience and expertise to deliver the proposed research; they should be working in a field relevant to COVID-19 and with a formal affiliation to a health, research, humanitarian, government, inter-government or academic institution with legal status.
  • Applicants should indicate if any review of the ethical aspects of their research has been done, and/or which ethics guidelines their project follows.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing are strongly encouraged. Applicants are requested to provide details of plans for involvement of data contributors in accordance with the IDDO Data Use Agreement. They should also confirm that the planned publication and dissemination of the research results will enable open access to the results.
Data Request Review Process Data requests are first evaluated by IDDO to establish if the data can be shared based on established review criteria. These questions will be addressed directly to the applicant via the chat function during the Vivli application process. These responses will be incorporated within the final application form, which will then be reviewed by IDDO’s independent Data Access Committee in accordance with their Data Access Guidelines.
Anonymization Standards   IDDO processes for anonymizing all patient-level data are informed by best practice as identified by the European Medicines Agency, HIPAA Safe Harbor and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Statistical disclosure controls are used for non-trial clinical data to ensure the reidentification risk is within the threshold of acceptability. A detailed description of IDDO’s anonymization procedure is available.
Clinical Study Register or Website www.iddo.org