Template email about data sharing for academics to share with their contracts office

To share your data using Vivli, please complete and sign the Data Contribution Form and the Data Contributor Agreement (DCA). The DCA needs to be read, understood and signed by the Principal Investigator and an institution official. If you don’t know who your institution official is, in most organizations a good place to start is the Grants and Contract office. See this template email, which you can adjust as needed, to send to this office.

Dear Grants and Contracts Administrator,

I want to share my anonymized individual-patient level data from my clinical research using the Vivli platform. Vivli is an independent, non-profit organization that has developed a global data-sharing and analytics platform. They currently have data available for sharing from more than 6,900 completed trials.

This is:
–a condition of my funding that I share my data
–helps me meet publication requirements
— helpful to me for future grant applications where funders are asking about previous data sharing
–and most importantly, ensures that my research and the contributions of those participants taking part in my trial is honored and used as much as possible.

To share using Vivli, I need an institution official to sign this Data Contribution Agreement (DCA) and I need to read and acknowledge this document. Vivli has said that the DCA is the product of extensive negotiation with the organizations that contribute data to Vivli, and as such, the agreement is non-negotiable.

Can you please confirm who is the institution official that I should send the DCA to for signature? Vivli will send this directly to them via DocuSign.

Vivli is expecting a response in two weeks, so I look forward to your response to my question within that time frame.