Health Research Board Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB TMRN) will be featuring Vivli’s Executive Director, Dr. Rebecca Li, on their upcoming webinar, “Implementation of Data Sharing platforms and How Researchers are Utilizing these Platforms to Further their Research.”
The HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB-TMRN) is a collaborative initiative between a number of Irish and international higher education institutes and methodology centers.
Its’ mission is to strengthen the methodology and reporting of trials in health and social care in Ireland so that they become more relevant, accessible and influential for patients and other service users, practitioners, policy makers and the public. This is achieved through a program of work relating to the methodology of trials and focused on (i) support (ii) training and education (iii) research and innovation and (iv) public engagement.
Register for Dr. Li’s presentation, which takes place Monday, April 12th 9:00-10:00 EDT (2:00-3:00pm GMT), and learn more here.