Vivli has updated its platform so that researcher teams who submit and store their clinical research data can now receive CRedIT on their ORCID profiles. This change was made to incentivize researchers to share their data. Future secondary analysis publications that are derived from the initial data, will be cited and tracked in Vivli.
With this change, Principal Investigators can ensure that their researcher teams receive CRedIT on their ORCID profiles.
Researchers can then go to the Vivli platform to see secondary citations from their data.
Rebecca Li, Vivli’s CEO said “This platform update is innovative in allowing researchers to directly track secondary research that uses their data and have this utilization reflected publicly in their ORCID profile. Researchers and institutions can use this information for future grants and we hope this will be adopted as part of the promotion and tenure process. We are very grateful to Wellcome who made this work possible through a grant to Vivli.”