News & Events

Vivli Webinar: Navigating Clinical Trial Data Sharing Under the New Declaration of Helsinki: Practical Steps for Instituting an Ethical and Effective Program

Take part in this webinar, where will discuss the New Declaration of Helsinki and how institutions can take practical steps to institute an ethical and effective data sharing program.

Join us on Thursday, January 23 at 8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT, for a discussion with Vivli’s CEO Rebecca Li and COO Julie Wood about the top five questions companies or non-profit foundations should ask when they are considering embarking on a data sharing program.


Topics include:

  • Why should we share clinical trial data?
  • When should we begin a data sharing program?
  • How do we start to build a data sharing program?
  • How can we manage a data sharing program?
  • What can a partner like Vivli do for us?


  • Rebecca Li, CEO, Vivli
  • Julie Wood, COO, Vivli
